We are pleased to offer complimentary ground shipping on all orders over $175. Orders are typically processed and shipped within 3-7 business days, though during peak holiday seasons, processing times may be longer.

Once your order has shipped, a tracking number will be sent to you via email. If you’d like to request signature confirmation upon delivery, please leave a note in the comment section during checkout. Unless specified, all orders will be shipped without signature confirmation.

At this time, we ship exclusively within the United States, but we’re working on expanding to international locations soon. In the meantime, many of our items are available for international shipping through our stockist, Wolf & Badger.

Thank you for choosing Sister Epic—we’re thrilled to be part of your style journey!

SISTER EPIC stands behind the craftsmanship and durability of each of our pieces. So, we will gladly accept returns/exchanges if the item you receive is damaged or defective.

More information can be found here.

Get in touch via our contact form here.

For wholesale inquiries, please reach out to wholesale@sisterepic.com.